Sabemos que para entrar en Howarts hay que ser mago, pero la Educación Física tiene magia propia y por eso el alumnado muggle de 4º de la ESO tiene la oportunidad de aprender un deporte nuevo: Quidditch, y si, ¡vamos a volar!Muggle Quidditch—the rules and regulations.
Each team is made up of 7 players. 1 keeper, 1seeker, 3 chaser , 2 beaters 1 snitch per game
- Chasers are responsible for passing the Quaffle and scoring points by
throwing the Quaffle through one of the opponent's goals. Three chasers from a
team may be in play at one time. When a Bludger hits a Chaser in possession of
the Quaffle, he or she must drop the Quaffle and run back to his or her own
goalpost to simulate recovery time.

must try to block attempts to score by the opposing team's Chasers. One
keeper from a team may be in play at a time. The keeper is invulnerable to
Bludgers when within their team's keeper zone, an area around the team's
hoops. Once outside the Keeper zone, the Keeper serves as a 4th Chaser.
- Beaters attempt to hit the opposing team's players with Bludgers and attempt
to block the Bludgers from hitting their team's players. Two Beaters on
a team may be in play at a time.
- Seekers attempt to catch the snitch. Though the snitch leaves the pitch at
the start of the game and often does not return until a predetermined period
has passed, seekers are able to search for the snitch off the pitch throughout
the game.
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