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AFL El fútbol australiano


Durante el mes de octubre tuvimos en nuestro cole compañeros australianos con los que compartimos las clases de Educación Física. Además de su recuerdo, nos dejaron este deporte de contacto extremo que mezcla características del fútbol, baloncesto, rugby... ¿Queréis saber más sobre el fútbol australiano? En el video que tenéis a continuación os explican todo con detalle, además al final de este post tenéis un enlace con el reglamento oficial de AFL.

The object of the game is to kick the football between a series of 4 goal posts. Depending on which posts the ball goes between will depend on how many points you score. The ball can be passed around between team mates in a series of fashions and the winning team will be the team with the highest number of points at the end of the game.

Each team will consist of 18 players of which are all assigned to different positions. These players are allowed to move freely on the pitch. Each team may also have up to three substitutes which are ‘rolling’ meaning they can come on and off as many times as they want.

If the ball is kicked between the two goal posts (middle posts) then 6 points are awarded. If the ball goes between a goal post and one of the behind posts (point) then 1 point is awarded. 1 point is also awarded if the ball is carried or forced over the scoring line by the attacking team

AFL Official Rules


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Tchoukball, entre el balonmano y el voleibol.

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Tag Rugby

TAG RUGBY Comenzamos con el Tag Rugby con los alumnos de 1º y 2º de la ESO. Tag Rugby is a non-contact, fast-moving game that is suitable for every body and for boys and girls to play together. The objetive of the game is to ground the ball over the opponent´s try line to score tries. The playes in possession of the ball may run, kick or pass the ball attemting to get further downfield and cross the opponent´s try line. It is the objetive of the team without the ball to prevent this by removing a "tag" from the ball carrier. Basic rules - We are going to play with 2 teams each consisting of 5 players (boys and girls) - A game has 2 parts with 10 minutes. 20 minutes the hold game with a 5 minutes break between. - No contact - If a game is drawn at full time, we will use the GOLDEN TRY rule: additional time shall be played to determine a winner. The first team to score a try will be deemed the winer. - No kicking of any kind - When a tag is made, the tagger